Before you read this post, keep in mind that it is NOT written in a serious tone at all and is meant to be humorous. I do not mean to offend anyone. This is a light hearted post about a not-so-serious issue that does tend to annoy.
For those of who you who are not aware of the difficulty concerned with correctly pronouncing my last name, it is apparently very difficult. My last name, spelled Mikell, is actually pronounced "my-kuhl". This pronunciation is more commonly spelled Michael which is usually a first name. It is my biggest pet peeve when people incorrectly pronounce my name. Who would have ever known that there are so many ways to say "Mikell"? I have even met a man who asked "Can I say Mickle cuz it rhymes with pickle?" Me being the young and polite child I was probably said sure, although I do not remember. Then, there's the doctor's office that tries to get fancy by saying "Miguel", but with more of a k sound than a g sound.
This has taught me that if you are unsure of the pronunciation of a person's name...JUST ASK! I would much rather be asked than to be called by the wrong name. I am a real person with a name (I really am.). Although my first name is less commonly butchered, it is also an issue. If people would just take the time to sound it out, they would realize that it is made of three commonly used words: is, a, & bell. One would think Isabelle is not to complicated. "Ellisabelle" is just unacceptable. I can understand "Elizabeth" because it is similar sounding and also a commonly used name. I just don't understand the mix up between Julia(my mother's name) and Isabelle, though.
Thus ends my rant about my pet peeve of people discombobulating my name. I hope you have learned something from this. Luckily, I am not one to hold grudges. So if you have made this mistake before, I have either forgotten or forgiven you. Just try to avoid this mistake in the future. :)
Well said, Bell. Pinkney has never been easy, either. In frustration I have sometimes spelled it Pinqueknee. Spelling Mikell is an ongoing challenge and as long as you carry that name, you will have to spell it for everyone. Good piece.
I've always pronounced it correctly...I think...
I would have thought people would have more difficulty SPELLING your name. Isabelle, Isabele, Isabel, Isabell, etc.I have known people who spelled it all of these ways. (Not to mention Izzie, Izzy, Bell, Belle, and Bel.) There are probably even more ways to spell -or misspell- Mikell.
Bad Spellers Untie!
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